Dr. Ufaurenstein (2018)

The good Doctor is looking to raise his greatest creation! It’s never been done before.

This was such a fun piece to shoot. A parody of Frankenstein for the halloween season, it played into the playful nature of Eleven04. I produced and directed this, but my biggest regret is that we never got to hear his full name. Dr. Einleiben Ufaurenstein. (It was suppose to sound like a german Eleven04-enstein).

The Delusional Thoughts of a Healthy Man (2014)

Brian visits an antique shop and is strangely drawn to a mysterious snow globe. After a strange warning and and enchanting song, Brian finds himself in a funk. In an attempt to cheer him up, Brian's friend Amy gets him a gift. The snow globe isn't done with him just yet.

I Loved working on this project. I Wrote, Directed, Shot, Produced, and Edited this piece. It has a focus on composition, framing, and mise-en-scene. An extremely involved and ambitious piece for me that expressed the detriments of having an obsession that won't let go.

About Last Night (2014)

A confused and hungover Ivan tries to piece together the events of last night as the consequences come flying back in his face bit by bit.

One of my early works from film school, this project is a fun and silly piece that involved organizing a good bit of production design. From the shirt that our main character wears, to the Batman themed apartment of his best friend. Co-written and shot by Matt Tribble and myself, About Last Night was a great introduction into the world of filmmaking.