Kyuki-Do Martial Arts (2015)

Soundtrack found at:

The video for The Kyuki-Do Martial Arts gym is an example of a stepping stone into my stylistic discovery and commercial editing process. While I am proud of this video, I did learn that working on a rushed pre-production time frame should try to be avoided whenever possible, and a solid plan of attack should always be in place. These are things that I now discuss with any client before moving forward with projects in order to ensure that they get the best quality product possible.

Incandescent Sessions - The Prairie Fires (2018)

The Prairie Fires recorded live in studio with Incandescent Audio and Gold Point Studio. The Prairie Fires: Website - Bandcamp - http...

A piece I'm very proud of, the Incandescent Sessions - Prairie Fires video had me wearing many hats. I was the DoP, Director, Set Designer, & Editor.

Ada Street's Cocktail Corner - The Fireside Flip (2015)

Learn how to make one of Ada Street's unique signature drinks, The Fireside Flip, with Ada's own, Scott Koehl.

A venture into the world of episodic instructional videos, this video is meant to entertain and teach while also promoting Ada Street's hip and trendy atmosphere. In order to differentiate myself from other cocktail videos, I chose to create a more cinematic visual and incorporate movement with multiple angles.

Wicker Park Green Music Festival (2014)

The Wicker Park Green Music Festival A Music Festival that is trying to change the way music festivals are done in Chicago and everywhere else by incorporating green products and practices into the festival. The festival also aims to educate the community by teaching people about green resources and promoting companies with sustainable practices, all while surrounded by the fun and lively atmosphere of a music festival. Music: Moon Taxi- Hypnus

Commissioned by Chicago's own Subterranean Bar, we were able to put together a visually stimulating, fun, and educational video describing the goals of the Green Festival. Directed and Edited by myself, and shot with the help of two other friends, Sean Bayer and Nicholas Rienzo this shoot was about a month and a half of planning and coordinating to ensure that the client got exactly what they wanted. In the end, the video was able to impress the local chamber of commerce to where the festival was approved to continue for years to come.